Wednesday, January 9, 2008
10th grade students
The question was: What would you want Americans to know about Chuuk?
"I would like to tell them about our Kinship between family and friends. I really like Chuukese local food. They really taste good. Also about the Chuukese myths." Alex
"For me Chuukese culture is the most important thing in my life. There are many best thing about Chuukese culture. For us it's the best, but I don't know what would you think. The relationship between peole that is the best thing in our culture. In our islands people belong to each other. In families we just stay together, share things that we have. No one on top and under, we all just equal to one another. I f someone have problem in his/her family like funeral, we the relatives also get involve to help. Or anybody just want to help he/she can also help."-Lovelyn
"First and most importantly; to know that we Chuukese are not as stupid as we look. So mainly they have to learn not to be arogant, ignorant and at least face that fact that we are all equal, no high or low!" -Chris
just Chuuk
For the time being I will say that I am safe, my students are responsive, I can kind of hula, I have been inspired by the JVI values (spirituality, community, social justice, and simple living), and most importantly I am challenged. There is a quote about the islands by E.M. Forster which says,
"The ends of the earth,
the depths of the sea,
the darkness of time,
you have chosen all three."
For example, people drive cars on the island I live on, teenagers listen to rap music and "pop" dance, spam is wildly popular, we have school assemblies where students fall asleep, little kids will play fight in their fronts yards, families will gather from all over for funerals, my student's Christmas play was almost perfect, women go to the bathroom together, and teachers will stay up late grading tests.
Some of these commonalities are universal, others are socialization, and a few are outside influence. As I learn more about the differences I will try to convey stories that have helped me to understand myself and my culture better through seeing Chuuk.
Kathy Martin
Kathy is from an island in the Chuuk lagoon called Piis. After graduating from
There are two parts of Chuuk that Kathy speaks to which have struck me the most since being here. First, the kinship and community which provides and overwhelming social safety net for the Chuukese. Second, the extent to which the